Here's what #Google *could* have said to help avoid confusion in their "Album Archive" deletion notification emails.
Note that the confusing term "Album Archive" is NOT mentioned in my version!
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Starting on July 19, 2023, we'll be deleting some miscellaneous "stray" images related to an assortment of Google services (Gmail, Hangouts, "album comments", etc.) that have collected over time, mostly from years ago.
You can use [this link] to see what images you have that are subject to this deletion, or [this link] to go to Google Takeout to download this data to save before July 19.
For more information, please visit the Help Center at [this page URL]. Thanks!
@lauren Probably the biggest buried lede here is that if you're a big user of blogger, it appears that your blog embedded images are going away. Unless I've misinterpreted what I'm seeing in my takeout.
I pushed about a third of my project blog off to a blog. I personally run off of a server. I rent using Hugo as the infrastructure... This will certainly encourage me to push the other two thirds completely off of Google infrastructure!
@mtomczak I'm really not sure what it is. I have this image in my head of a set of racks buried in a far dark corner of a data center, with "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" electrical discharges splaying out from all over.